Bhuj Shree Narnarayan Dev Mandir

Bhuj Shree Swaminarayan Mandir 

Lord Swaminarayan's Philosophy

The sub-continent of India is full of Rushi Munis and Saints. On planet Earth, India is the only country where you will find the most spiritual environment. Many great souls wish to take birth on this land. God himself has taken numerous births in India, in various forms for the protection and development of Dharma and destruction of bad elements.

Under the series of births of God almighty on the land of India, one great saint had taken birth on Monday 2nd April 1781, on the ninth moon day of Samvat 1837, near Ayodhya city in the village of Chhapaiya, at the house of Dharmdev and Bhaktimata who were part of the Brahmin community. This child was known as "Ghanshyam" during his childhood days and is also famously known as "Neelkanth Varni", "Hari krishna", "Sahajanand Swami", "Narayan Muni" etc. His father Dharmdev and mother Bhaktimata had left this world before Ghanshyam was eleven years old.

He then left his house and travelled through India. During this period of His life He was known by the name of Neelkanth Varni. After 7 years 1 month and 11 days of travelling, He arrived at the state of Gujarat and started the great mission for the publicity of the Vedic Dharma, Gnan, Vairagya and Bhakti. Along with thousands of saints and religious persons He went everywhere within Gujarat and explained the philosophy and importance of "Bhakti" and "Religion" in its real sense. He had established a good system for the temples, religious books, Acharyas and Saints so that there was proper guidance in the future for the subsequent generation.

Fundamentals of Philosophy (Shikshapatri)

          Dharma : Religion
Virtuous conduct as defined in the 'Shurtis' and 'Smrutis' are known as the Dharma.

Bhakti :  Devotion
Supreme fervour of the soul combined with the consciousness of the glories of the Supreme are known as 'Bhakti'. Nothing other than pure love and devotion to God can guide one to the enlightened vision of God and to great deliverance.

Gnan :  Enlightenment
Correct awareness about the forms of the Soul, illusion and God are known as 'Gnan'

Vairag:  Renunciation
Dispassion for all matter except the Eternal God is known as Vairagya.

Maya:  Illusion
It is considered 'Tri-Gunatmika' i.e. deceptive illusion prevails in all the three qualities of minds ((1) Satva, (2) Rajas and (3) Tamas); to be possessed by maya (illusion) is to be caught in darkness; God is the Lord of maya who acts as the power of God; It breeds ego in one for his body and for the relatives of the body too.

Mukti:  Great Deliverances
To worship God in a mood of identity with the eternal is known as 'Mukti'

Atma:  Soul
Is situated in the heart and is in size, smaller than an atom; it is the source of energy and is the real knower. The soul is dissipated throughout the entire body from head to toe; in character it is inseparable, impenetrable, indestructible and immortal.

Paramatman: The Supreme Soul

Mahima of Loard

Mahima of Lord Swaminarayan and the devotees of Kutch

Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan was constantly attracted by the divine attributes of the devotees of Kutch. After his appointment as the spiritual leader of the whole Sampraday, He visited Kutch in Samvat 1860 Maha Sud 7. He spent 30 years of His total lifespan in Gujarat and visited Kutch more than 20 times. As a result of His frequent visits, a series of inspirational devotees realised that He was none other than the Supreme Purshottam Narayan Himself.

Such Bhaktos of Kutch included Ladhiba, Sundarji Suthaar, Gangaram Mall, who were all of Bhuj; Khaiyo Khatri of Mandvi, Sadaba of Kera, Adabhai, Mulji and Krishnaji all of Manukva, Karniba of Dhamadka, Saamat Sarvaiya of Rapar, Vaghasha of Bhachau and many many more.

Bhuj is one of the six places where Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan constructed a temple Himself. This divine thought of Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan alone signifies the vast amount of spirituality the land of Kutch offered not only in the past but even today.

The Original Temple

Senior devotees Gangarambhai, Sundarjibhai and others from the Bhuj region of Kutch went to Gadhada where Swaminarayan was attending the famous Fuldol festival. During the festival, the devotees of Bhuj met Swaminarayan and requested him to construct a temple in Bhuj.

Lord was pleased and more than happy to fulfil the wishes of His devotees. So Swaminarayan asked Vaishnavananand Swami to proceed with a team of saints to Bhuj and construct a temple. Vaishnavananand Swami and the accompanying saints went to Bhuj in 1822, camped at the place neighboring the land of the temple and drew up plans for the original Bhuj temple complex. They executed the plans with every minute detail taken into account; and within a short span of one year, on 15 May 1823, the Murtis were installed by Swaminarayan.

Swaminarayan had graced this temple in the western belt of India and had Himself installed the idols of Narnarayan dev and His own form, Hari-Krishna Maharaj in central sanctum sanctorum of the temple.

Besides these manifestations of Lord at the central dome, there under the eastern dome, were seated RadhaKrishna Dev, Hari-Krishna Maharaj and in the western dome, Ghanshyam Maharaj. Roop Chowki, the main square of the inner temple housed the images of Ganapati and Hanuman.

Bhuj Earthquake - "Divya Sankalp"

The huge Gujarat Earthquake of 26 of January 2001, with a moment magnitude of 7.7 destroyed much of the city of Bhuj, including the northward facing side of the Temple built by Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan. Miraculously the divine idols remained as they were, with not even a hint of damage inflicted.

However, after widespread agreement between Acharya Maharajshree, Saints and Devotees from all corners of the globe, and given the circumstances of the irreparable damage to the original Temple building, it was decided for Lord’s Murtis to be housed inside a new grand Temple complex. It was collaboratively resolved to construct this new Temple a short distance away from the original site.

Mandir Sathapna

Shree Nar-Narayan Dev - Bhuj Dham
The devotees of Kutch-Bhuj, Shri Gangaram Mall, Sundarji Sutar & Hirji Sutar requested Bhagwan Swaminarayan to construct a temple in Bhuj. Bhuj temple was constructed under the guidance and supervision of Vaisnavanand Swami. Shreeji Maharaj installed the idols of Lord Nar-Narayan Dev in Vikram Samvat 1879 Vaishakh Shukla Panchami. (Friday May 15, 1823 A.D.)